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Wasabi Technologies of the it-sa 365
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Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-218

Wasabi Technologies

Hot Cloud Storage

About us






We offer

  • Storage solutions


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
111 Huntington Avenue
MA 02199 Boston
United States

About us

Wasabi provides simple and affordable hot cloud storage for businesses all over the world. It enables organizations to store and instantly access an unlimited amount of data with no complex tiers or egress or API fees, delivering predictable costs that save money and industry leading security and performance businesses can count on. Trusted by customers worldwide, Wasabi has been recognized as one of technology’s fastest-growing and most visionary companies. Created by Carbonite co-founders and cloud storage pioneers David Friend and Jeff Flowers, Wasabi is a privately held company based in Boston. Wasabi is a Proud Partner of the Boston Red Sox, and the Official Cloud Storage Partner of Liverpool Football Club and the Boston Bruins.

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Quick uploads & downloads

| No egress charges

| No API request charges

| Cloud Storage | 80% less than AWS S3


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