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Access protection

Key Facts

  • The foundation of our WALLIX PAM solution, Bastion, integrates privileged password and session management. This core technology enables the discovery, management, and auditing of all privileged credential activities.
  • Remove local admin rights with Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management. Achieve unparalleled security across all endpoints with permissions controlled at the application and process level – without impacting user productivity.
  • Provide access for remote users. Enable secure access for remote employees and third-party vendors anytime, anywhere.

Product Description

WALLIX PAM is designed to manage and secure privileged accounts within an organization’s IT and OT environments. Privileged accounts are those with elevated permissions used by people often held by administrators, IT personnel, or third-party vendors, but also software and machines, that provide access to critical systems and sensitive data.

WALLIX PAM focuses on controlling, monitoring, and securing access to these privileged accounts to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, or misuse of sensitive information.

Overall, WALLIX PAM aims to strengthen an organization’s cybersecurity posture by managing and securing access to critical systems, reducing the risk of insider threats, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

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