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Versa Networks of the it-sa 365

Versa Networks

Extend SASE to every part of your network.

About us








We offer

  • Application security
  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Network security
  • Firewalls
  • Intrusion detection / prevention
  • Identity and access management


  • Industrial IT security
Great America Way 2550
95054 Santa Clara, CA
United States

About us

We accelerate your Digital Transformation.Versa is unique among SASE vendors, providing an end-to-end solution that both simplifies and secures the modern network. Versa SASE, based on VOS™, delivers a broad set of capabilities via the cloud and on-premises for building agile and secure enterprise networks, as well as highly efficient managed service offerings.

The Versa mission is to address the security and networking challenges that Enterprises and Service Providers face, and connect branch offices, home offices, and users to applications wherever they exist.

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Remote Access VPN

| Network security

| Identity and access management

| End device security
| Data leakage / loss prevention

| Cloud (computing) security


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