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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-303

VALUZE - Managed Services | Tenant Assessment


Endpoint security Email security Cyber-physical systems security Content security Cloud (computing) security Asset management / IT documentation Mobile security Mobile device managment Application security

Key Facts

  • - Full Lifecycle Services
    - 3rd-Level-Support
  • - Protection of sensitive data
    - Lean Management
    - Continual Improvement
    - Zero Trust Policy
  • Personal contact person in-house

Product Description

The goal of VALUZE - Managed Services allows you to focus on your core business and to relieve your internal IT department.

Our Managed Services include Core Services with the option of Security Add-Ons and Mobile Devices Add-Ons.

All services can be provided at short notice and according to your needs.

The goal of the VALUZE - Tenant Assessment is to protect your Microsoft 365 cloud environment and set it up for the future.

To achive this, we perform an in-depth analysis of the settings of your Microsoft solutions and services. Using the analysis result, we derive recommendations that you can implement at your own discretion.

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