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VALLEY IT GROUP of the it-sa 365


Smart IT-services for your digital environment

About us






We offer

  • Endpoint security
  • Public key infrastructure
Eldenaer Straße 35
10247 Berlin

About us

Full-service provider for the entire IT-scope in SMEs.

The VALLEY IT GROUP is at your side as a medium-sized full service provider of the successful digital transformation of your company and business processes. To achieve that, the various companies of the VALLEY IT GROUP combine their know-how and experience with tomorrow’s technologies in order to meet your individual IT-infrastructure needs with stable and secure IT-solutions.

Our team consists of experienced IT-entrepreneurs and managers. We have been moving for years in different functions within the IT-world, understand how companies work and know about the future developments and trends for a successful IT-environment. With this knowledge and fresh ideas and approaches, we ensure that all companies of the VALLEY IT GROUP offer innovative and perfect solutions for our customers in an IT-world of today and tomorrow.

Innovative services for your IT-environment:

  • Modern Workplace
  • Network & Security
  • Functional IT
  • Cloud & Datacenter
  • Digital Office
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Cloud Services | Datacenter | Digital Office | Functional IT | IT-Security | Private Cloud Services


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