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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-200

HITGuard Whistleblower

Product Expert



Authorities / associations Data protection, data security Compliance / GRC (products and services)

Key Facts

  • anonymous reporting in line with the Whistleblower Directive (EU 2019/1937)
  • secure reporting channel protecting the identity of reporters and third parties
  • workflows for efficiently handling reports, questions, and anwers

Product Description

You can implement an anonymous whistleblowersystem with HITGuard. This allows your employees,business partners, customers, and otherstakeholders to anonymously submit reports orask questions. Infractions of laws or internalguidelines can be followed-up on and mereassumptions can be clarified. Periods for thehandling of reports can be managed and theirobservance monitored. This way, all stakeholdersinvolved in a company can work together tomake sure current laws and internal guidelinesabout security and ethical standards are compliedwith.

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Product Expert


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