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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-200

HITGuard Data protection

Product Expert



Data protection, data security Compliance / GRC (products and services)

Key Facts

  • Data protection in accordance with the EU-GDPR
  • Country-specific data pro- tection for AT, DE, and CH
  • Clerical data protection for different denominations

Product Description

Using HITGuard, you can fulfil data protection requirements efficiently and sustainably. The tool enables the management of processing activities (PAs) across complex organizational structures with multiple responsibles. Data protection officers' workload is lightened through workflow-driven collaboration with their colleagues in the respective departments. Naturally, the tool also offers functionalities such as data protection impact assessments and the management of TOMs, data processors, recipients, and clients. In addition, knowledge bases for the EU-GDPR as well as country-, religion-, and sector-specific self checks are available to users of the platform. HITGuard was created with practical experience and is continuously developed with the user perspective in mind. It supports you with optimized workflows to work together with different people in your management system in a target-oriented way. It allows you to control the development of your company's maturity level and to share the results achieved with the management level as well as with the employees themselves. This tool adapts to your needs, not the other way around! Benefits - Measure the maturity of your organization with a wide range of standard KPIs and additionally define your own metrics. - Respond to requests from your management and various authorities with reports compiled as needed. - Centrally manage risk management systems from different areas, such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001, DSGVO, TISAX, B3S, etc. in one risk management software. - Documentation to prove that all requirements for your compliance management system have been met.
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Product Expert


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