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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-200

HITGuard Audit

Product Expert



Authorities / associations Testing laboratory / consultation Compliance / GRC (products and services) Threat analysis Security management Risk analysis and management IT service management

Key Facts

  • General and detailed planning of audit appointments
  • Documentation of the interviews and self assessments
  • Deduction of measures including their tracking

Product Description

HITGuard lets you easily plan and organize audits: internal/external, different locations and focuses, spread out over time. A practical calendar helps you keep the overview. The execution of audits can be done as an interview or a self assessment. You can generate informative reports at any time and the relevant KPIs are visible on dashboards, which you can configure according to your needs. New measures and controls can be created while recording review results and existing ones can be linked to them. Revaluations can be scheduled for completed reviews and analyses. This way, your audit environment's development and level of maturity are evident at all times. Benefits - Measure the maturity of your organization with a wide range of standard KPIs and additionally define your own metrics. - Respond to requests from your management and various authorities with reports compiled as needed. - Centrally manage risk management systems from different areas, such as ISO 27001, ISO 9001, DSGVO, TISAX, B3S, etc. in one risk management software. - Documentation to prove that all requirements for your compliance management system have been met.
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Product Expert


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