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Threema OnPrem

Logo Threema

by Threema

Product Expert



Open source (software and services) Cryptography User (rights) management Data protection, data security Business continuity Mobile security Mobile device managment Application security

Key Facts

  • Thanks to self-hosting, you are in full control over data, server, and software.
  • When using Threema OnPrem, sensitive information and personal data is protected in the best possible way from third parties.
  • A self-contained communication environment ensures the strongest protection against industrial espionage, malware, CEO Fraud, phishing, ransomware, etc.

Product Description

Threema OnPrem is the on-premises version of Threema Work. It’s the ideal messaging solution for organizations that take data privacy and data security very seriously and make the protection against cybercrime a top priority. The combination of Threema’s well-established security architecture and absolute data ownership results in a self-contained chat environment that’s unparalleled in terms of confidentiality and suited for professional use in public authorities, industrial companies, and law enforcement.

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Product Expert


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