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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-522


Logo SySS GmbH

by SySS GmbH



Key Facts

  • Alle SySS-Schulungen können online absolviert werden.
  • Die Teilnehmer erhalten ein Zertifikat.
  • Die Teilnehmer erhalten die Foliensätze.

Product Description

SySS offers an extensive training program. SySS IT Security Consultants and external experts hold workshops with balanced theoretical and practical parts in the following training modules: Hack1/Hack2: Hacking Workshop, Hack3: Attacks on Windows-based Networks, Hack4: Attacks on VoIP Infrastructures, Hack5: Exploit Development, Hack6: Mobile Device Hacking, Hack7: Web Application Hacking, Hack8: WLAN Hacking and WLAN Security, Hack9: Embedded Security, Secu1: Digital Forensics with Computers and Smartphones, Secu2: Incident Response, Secu3: IPv6 Security, Secu4: IT Law and Data Protection for IT Managers, Secu5: Planning and Implementation of Penetration Tests, Secu6: Getting to Know IT Security, Secu7: Phishing Awareness. We also conduct all trainings online. We react flexibly to the respective current situation and, if possible, offer our training courses on the SySS campus in Tübingen in compliance with the valid distance and hygiene rules. Alternatively, participation via the Zoom video conferencing system is always possible.
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