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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-522

Red Team Assessments

Logo SySS GmbH

by SySS GmbH


Consulting IT security

Key Facts

  • Die SySS führt Tests nach TIBER-DE durch.
  • Die SySS hat eine eigene Red Teaming-Abteilung.
  • Die SySS bietet auch Purple Teaming an.

Product Description

In a SySS red teaming assessment, three key aspects of corporate security are considered: - System security - Processes - Know-how and raising awareness of the employees A red teaming assessment will answer the following questions: - CSIR: Do we recognize targeted attacks and are we able to repel them? - Corporate management: Is an attacker able to undertake the company IT within x days? - Compliance/revision: Are required procedures available and are they being maintained? - Training instructors: Are further awareness measures required?
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