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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-522

Physical Assessments

Logo SySS GmbH

by SySS GmbH


Consulting IT security

Key Facts

  • SySS arbeitet nach Ethikgrundsätzen für Social Engineering.
  • SySS setzt nur sehr erfahrene Consultants ein.

Product Description

During a physical assessment, SySS examines all possibilities of penetrating a building without authorization, accessing devices and, thus, capturing data. The objective of a physical assessment is to verify the security of a building. This type of test will help to detect threats,assess their likelihood of occurrence and damage potential, and evaluate the risk which these threats pose to the organization. In addition to technical precautions, tests are carried out on the access processes, access control processes and monitoring processes. The following questions are answered through the test: Are the security concepts adequate? Are there gaps in the security concept?- Do the technical precautions function? Are the stipulated procedures observed? Do the technical and organizational measures ensure that personal data are adequately protected?
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