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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-522

Penetration Tests

Logo SySS GmbH

by SySS GmbH


Consulting IT security

Key Facts

  • Die SySS ist deutscher Marktführer für Penetrationstests.
  • Die SySS hat eine Ethik für Penetrationstester entworfen.

Product Description

Penetration tests are simulated cyber attacks. Their goal is to find and close gaps in IT systems before attackers can exploit them. Penetration tests prevent hacker attacks and break-ins in IT landscapes and help to protect valuable company data and knowledge. SySS IT tests with exclusive know-how - from IT infrastructures (IP range) as well as web applications and advertising services, LAN, WLAN and MOBILE tests to hardware or product analyses and cloud audits: Everywhere the SySS IT Security Consultants search for common and exotic weaknesses and security gaps - in constant exchange with the customer. A comprehensive report provides information about all problems found and makes suggestions on how they can be resolved. In doing so, SySS always provides advice that is product-neutral and manufacturer-independent.
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