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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-512

TWINSOFT biometrics GmbH & Co KG


Managed security services Consulting IT security Identity and access management Biometrics Single sign-on SIEM Security information and event management

Key Facts

  • Bioshare
  • Biometric authentication
  • Digital identity management made in Germany

Product Description

Biometric solutions are constantly gaining importance. Many companies are already successfully implementing biometric procedures. Whether it's offering customers higher protection, such as in the banking sector at ATMs or with mobile online and telebanking, or making building access more secure, biometrics provide user-friendly, natural, and efficient solutions that significantly enhance security and optimize operational processes. Additionally, MFA and SSO systems can be easily integrated with TWINSOFT biometrics solutions.

Since 2010, TWINSOFT biometrics has been exploring the various facets of biometrics. Their team advises and supports companies in selecting the optimal biometric solution for their specific needs—manufacturer-independent and customized, from the concept stage to license procurement and operational handover. Embedded in reliable processes, this results in a comprehensive system tailored to the client's individual requirements, fitting perfectly into the customer's application area.

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