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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-142

Electronic signature solution

Product Expert



Consulting IT security

Key Facts

  • Different integration options
  • All data stored in Switzerland
  • Data protection based on the FADP and the GDPR

Product Description

Electronic signatures play a major role when it comes to security and legal validity in online business. E-signatures are a sustainable, forward-looking solution to the challenges encountered in the digital world, offering many other advantages in addition to efficiency and cost savings.With SwissSign you have the choice: you can use the signature service immediately – without any need for time-consuming integration. Or you can also integrate our signature solutions directly into your processes and systems – for a seamless user experience. Learn more: en/signaturesAs an officially recognised provider of certification services, SwissSign also meets the requirements placed on what is known as a ‘timestamp authority’ (TSA) that are stipulated in the Swiss Federal Act on Electronic Signatures (ESigA) and is therefore also authorised to issue ‘qualified timestamps’.

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Product Expert


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