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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-142

Device certificates

Product Expert



Consulting IT security

Key Facts

  • Generation of unique device identities (X.509 certificates)
  • Standardised interfaces such as REST API or CMC
  • Data protection based on the FADP and the GDPR

Product Description

The networking of everyday devices is constantly on the rise. The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a variety of applications and opportunities for the private and the industrial sector alike. However, this also increases the attack surface for compromising and hacking IoT-capable devices. Potential consequences include data leaks and misuse of devices for the likes of denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. This is where device identities, which are implemented using public key certificates, come into play. They protect privacy and enable secure and economical operation of a device infrastructure. Learn more: en/certificates/device-certificates

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Product Expert


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