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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-236

SERPENTEQ Managed Service for SAP Cyber Sicherheit


Managed security services Consulting IT security Anti-virus and malware protection Security management Penetration tests Application security

Key Facts

  • Managed Service for SAP Cyber Sicherheit

Product Description

This service provides tool-based, recurring 360° SAP cyber security monitoring of entire SAP system landscapes at an interval that best suits your purposes.

Our experts review all tool output and provide you with comprehensive mitigation advice:

  • Eliminate false positive results and properly rank issues
  • Report only qualified & relevant risks
  • Support mitigation activities
  • Confirm effectiveness of applied mitigations
  • Determine root causes of issues for subsequent gap analysis
  • Improve processes and guidelines where necessary

As a result, your budget and resources are used where they are most needed.

We also assist in case of a security breach or malware attack.

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