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Make an appointment with

So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

Create an onsite appointment with

So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.


Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-232




Cloud (computing) security

Key Facts

  • Cloud
  • High Availability
  • Cost-Effective

Product Description

All emails are automatically encrypted and signed with The technology offers all functions such as email encryption, email signature and large file transfer as an immediately usable cloud solution. Without on-site installation, with the same security and simplicity - and always on the latest technical level. is operated by SEPPmail in data centers in Switzerland and Germany and ensures full compliance with current data protection standards such as the DSGVO, supplemented by audit and compliance reporting for security managers. Due to high availability, there are no delayed or lost emails with - all email traffic runs smoothly. Because of leading filter functions against spam, phishing and malware of all kinds, a maximum detection rate can be achieved. Recipients no longer receive dangerous e-mails. Customizable filtering rules enable targeted defense against advanced attacks such as spear phishing and CEO fraud. And all services, from encryption to filtering, are managed from a common management dashboard - complete email security under a single roof.

With additional filter functions against phishing, malware and spam, offers a detection rate of 99.995%. These sophisticated filters make it possible to detect and block malware of all kinds. The filter settings can be adapted to specific industries and customers to ensure customized protection.

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