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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-232

SEPPmail Secure E-Mail Gateway




Email security

Key Facts

  • Central management of certificates and e-mail signatures (SIG);
  • Encryption and decryption of e-mails (ENC);
  • The recipient recognizes from the displayed expiration date that this is a special form of GINA mail and is not burdened with a new interface that takes some getting used to.

Product Description

The Secure E-Mail Gateway of SEPPmail is an all-in-one solution for the economic and efficient use of a central administration of certificates and e-mail signatures (SIG), the encryption and decryption of e-mails (ENC), the simple and secure sending of large files (LFT) as well as the central e-mail disclaimer management (ZDM). Signature and encryption are performed in accordance with the international e-mail standards S/MIME and OpenPGP. A further technology, domain encryption, is included in the basic license of the appliance for the entire company. These standard technologies cover - completely transparent to the user - high-frequency, confidential e-mail communication. For low-frequency, confidential and spontaneous e-mail traffic SEPPmail uses the patented GINA procedure. The special feature of this procedure is that the external recipient does not need any further software components or keys for reading and answering except any mail client and a browser. Also the sender writes his e-mails as usual via the mail client. As an out-of-the-box solution, the SEPPmail solution is delivered both as hardware in three performance classes and as a VM image for ESX, Hyper Visor and Hyper V. Optionally, the appliance can be extended with a protection pack for antivirus and antispam.
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