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utnserver Pro

Key Facts

  • 2 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed) Ports
  • Secure connection of USB devices in remote environment
  • Made in Germany

Product Description

In times when home office solutions are increasingly required, the utnserver Pro offers numerous features that enable safe and reliable work from home. This makes it the perfect choice for small to medium-sized companies and offices and of course for remote environments. Operating mode utnserver Pro The utnserver Pro provides all types of USB devices over a network and works according to the "plug & play" principle: You integrate the device server into your network and connect your USB devices to its USB ports. Use the related SEH UTN Manager software to create a virtual USB connection to the USB device with one click. You are then abled to use the connected USB device like a locally connected one. The connection to your USB devices works via LAN, VPN, VLAN, the Internet and in server-based and virtualized environments. This means that companies can access their USB devices from any work environment and any location: convenient, high-performance and encrypted! Best compatibility with USB devices: Use a variety of USB devices in a controlled and flexible manner via the network like RDX drives, scanners, medical devices, measuring devices, printers, cameras, telephone systems and many more.

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