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dongleserver ProMAX

Key Facts

  • 20 USB ports
  • Technical support worldwide for free
  • Made in Germany

Product Description

The Business Solution for Dongle Management The dongleserver ProMAX® is the big version for server rooms and provides access to software license dongles via a network. Compared to the smaller dongleserver Pro®, the dongleserver ProMAX® offers additional reliability and redundancy with two built-in power supplies and two network connections. In addition, the parameters, passwords, and certificates are automatically backed up to an integrated SD card. The dongle server is also equipped with a multi-segment status and fault display for information at a glance. The optional telescopic slides (Rack Mount Kit 3) facilitate device access in the server room. It doesn't get any easier! A user establishes a connection to a certain dongle through the software tool UTN Manager and uses the license-protected software locally as needed. At this time the dongle cannot be used by another user. Once the user has finished using the software and the connection to the dongle is deactivated, the dongle is free to be used by another user. This principle can be applied to any copy-protected software and ensures that customers are always on the safe side with the dongleserver ProMAX® because the software license regulations are never circumvented. In case of some emergency e.g. the dongle server is defect, the dongleserver ProMAX® has two installed power supplies and two network connections to ensure maximum reliability. Additionally, the configuration can be backed up to an SD card and transferred quickly to another dongleserver ProMAX®. The dongleserver ProMAX® is also equipped with a multi-segment fault display to diagnose problems such as ‘SD card error’ or ‘power supply failure’ at a glance. Ideal for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux! For our dongleserver ProMAX® we offer an optional service package. With the dongleserver ProMAX® Serviceplus Package not only will the warranty be extended for an additional two years (total 5 year warranty) but we also guarantee an advance
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