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dongleserver Pro

Key Facts

  • 8 USB ports
  • For Microsoft Windows, Linux, OS X/mac OS
  • Made in Germany

Product Description

The dongleserver Pro® provides secure and reliable access to software license dongles via a network. It has 4 USB 3.0 SuperSpeed and 4 USB 2.0 Hi-Speed ports. The handy version of the dongle server has been designed for use in office environments. The lockable housing keeps your valuable USB dongles safe in accessible areas. With the optional Rack Mount Kit, the dongle server can be installed in the server room as well. Use Dongles via LAN, VPN, VLAN and the Internet! With the dongleserver Pro by SEH, dongles cannot only be used via LAN connections but also via VPN, VLAN, and the Internet. This allows for access from the most diverse environments—the potential application scenarios are endless!
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