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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-516

SINA Workstation


Identity and access management Data protection, data security Compliance / GRC (products and services) Endpoint security

Key Facts

  • VS-compliant, mobile workstation
  • Multisession operation through virtualization
  • Smartcard-based 2-factor authentication

Product Description

The SINA Workstation is a modern, powerful workstation that enables secure remote work from anywhere. With a laptop or tablet, users run their usual applications such as Office programs without any restrictions, all the while having access to their files in the corporate environment. The SINA Workstation establishes a VPN tunnel via any Internet connection, so data transmission is encrypted and tap-proof. In addition, all files on the SINA Workstation are stored in encrypted form, and computer login is accomplished with two-factor authentication with a smartcard. One workstation, many workplaces SINA Workstation allows you to virtualise several (different) operating systems and use them in parallel with different security levels. For instance, you can edit classified documents or control critical networks and equipment from the same system. Through strict separation of individual sessions, it is possible to use the system for other business or even private purposes in parallel.

Benefits at a glance

  • Mobile workstation approved for RESTRICTED classification level
  • Maximum connectivity (LAN, WIFI or mobile networking)
  • Multi-session operation through virtualisation (parallel, isolated workplaces)
  • Central remote maintenance and administration
  • Flexibly scalable – for medium-sized businesses and large organizations
  • Smartcard-based two-factor authentication
  • Hard disk encryption
  • Integrated VPN
  • Interface control
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