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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-516

SINA Mobile


Data protection, data security Cloud (computing) security Web application security Mobile security

Key Facts

  • Integratable into existing SINA infrastructure
  • Hybrid working
  • Investment-proof

Product Description

Work securely from anywhere. The software package for your terminal devices – from smartphones to tablets. The pandemic has shown that we need flexible and simple security solutions that can be integrated quickly and easily into existing infrastructures. With SINA Mobile, any location becomes a functional workplace that allows you to communicate sensitive and classified data, edit and send documents, or collaborate in a team.

The advantages of SINA Mobile at a glance:

  • Zero Trust: SINA Mobile does not persistently store any data locally on the end device. This minimizes the security risk.
  • Integratable: SINA Mobile fits seamlessly into an already existing SINA infrastructure.
  • Flexible: SINA Mobile is an application solution on standard Android. This means you retain your familiar working environment and can use private applications in parallel.
  • Hybrid working: When connected to an external monitor, SINA Mobile switches to desktop mode. This makes the system suitable for both mobile and stationary application scenarios.
  • Investment-proof: The performance of the end devices does not have an impact on SINA Mobile, as the processing takes place on the server side.
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