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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-516

secunet monitor KRITIS


SIEM Security information and event management Network security

Key Facts

  • Attack detection for KRITIS
  • Network monitoring system
  • optimized for BSI notifications & BSI audits

Product Description

secunet monitor KRITIS is the passive and non-reactive monitoring solution for the detection of attacks by network and log analysis in accordance with the requirements of the orientation guide of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) on the IT Security Act 2.0. secunet monitor KRITIS is aimed at affected KRITIS companies and takes into account the now valid requirements from the BSI's orientation guide (network and log-based attack detection). secunet thus offers for the first time a custom-fit solution to meet the requirements. In practical use, in addition to pure attack detection, the product compiles the data required for the transmission of reportable events to the BSI and optimizes the provision of the information required for an audit. With its targeted focus on legislation, passive and retroactive application, and ease of use, secunet monitor KRITIS is probably the most comprehensive solution on the market.
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