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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-516

secunet cloud solutions

Product Expert



High availability Cloud (computing) security

Key Facts

  • one cloud for various regulatory requirements
  • full integration into the existing SINA ecosystem
  • full control over the cloud resources used

Product Description

Secure and sovereign open source cloud solutions for digitization projects in industry and public administration. Whether on-premise, public or combined as a flexible hybrid cloud. For the cloud-native transition of public authorities and companies, we have combined the cloud computing standard OpenStack with the high-security technologies of SINA.

The sovereign heart of the cloud:Open source - but secure

secunet Cloud is based on the comprehensively hardened open source IaaS project OpenStack. Our standards-compliant cloud stack enables simple and secure provisioning of resources via Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Transparently integrated cryptographic mechanisms make data transfer, storage and processing as well as the networking of resources in an OpenStack environment consistently secure.

To protect against external attacks and threats, we use cryptographic separation between clients at the infrastructure level, end-to-end encryption (E2EE), secure digital identities and comprehensive lifecycle management.

We leverage design principles and security features of the already approved SINA technology. The SINA Cloud, as part of secunet's cloud offering, is the first cloud infrastructure for processing classified information that is undergoing an evaluation process by the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

As a full-service provider for cloud solutions, we relocate IT infrastructures securely and flexibly into the cloud.

As a transition partner, we accompany you on your way into the cloud and support you in the implementation of your projects.

As a security partner of the Federal Republic of Germany, we implement solutions that offer the highest data protection and custom-fit security - from GDPR to classified information level SECRET.

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Product Expert


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