- Seamlessly integrate remote signature, e-seal, software certificates and time stamps into web solutions
- Legally and evidentially compliant with EU eIDAS regulation
- Data sovereignty: your sensitive documents are not transferred to an external cloud
- State-of-the-art "on-premises" web service
- For complex IT infrastructures of larger organisations
With increasing digitalisation, protection against manipulation (integrity) and proof of origin (authenticity) of electronic documents are becoming more and more important in the private sector, public administration and health care. Signatures and seals are the appropriate tools for this. The "qualified" electronic signature has the highest legal evidential value, i.e. it satisfies the written form requirement according to §126a BGB.
With digiSeal®web - a modern best-of-breed web service - you seamlessly integrate the use of remote signature, e-seal and software certificate into your web-based document-carrying system (DMS, PVS, industry solution, specialist procedure, etc.).
Your colleagues continue to use their familiar user interface in the browser, independent of the operating system.
The employees select the file to be signed or several documents as a batch in the browser. digiSeal®web then offers each employee individually the signature tool that is available to them, e.g. remote signature, a software certificate or an e-seal. This minimises confusion and operating errors. For this purpose, application-specific profile calls can be defined individually for each customer.
Individually configurable visual signature stamps (scanned signature, logo, coat of arms, etc.) can be integrated manually or automatically into PDF documents. In addition, PDF signature fields can be used for the predefined positioning of visual signatures.
If the document is already signed, digiSeal®web clearly displays the existing signatures with its integrated signature verification module.