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digiSeal server

Key Facts

  • Powerful generation & verification of e-signatures
  • Against cyber document forgery
  • For central automated processes ("mass signature")

Product Description

  Highlights -eIDAS ready - Protect digital documents against cyber forgery - Server software for universal certificate use, automated central mass signature, e-seal, time stamp & data encryption - For in-house use and use by outsourcing service providers (ASP) - Wide range of options for technical integration into existing systems and workflows - Ready for immediate use With the transformation of everyday business into the digital sphere, data and document security is becoming massively more important. Protection against manipulation, proof of origin, data encryption and the digital value of evidence are moving into the centre of attention. With the digiSeal®server, central security functions can be operated in parallel in individual work processes: - Electronic signature & e-seal - Automated signing and sealing of large volumes of documents. The e-signature and the e-seal  ensure the integrity of the content and prove the identity of the signatory/author (authenticity). - Signature enhancement - Augmentation of signatures with time stamps and validation data to upgrade the AdES signature level. - Signature verification - Automated verification of signed data including verification documentation in PDF/A or XML format. - Timestamp - By means of a timestamp, the content of a document or data record is verifiably "frozen" at an "official" point in time. (The desired time stamp contingent must be purchased from a trust service provider). - Individual step - With the integration of third-party components, further functions such as file conversion (e.g. TIF2PDFA) can be integrated into the processing procedure. - Encryption - Automated data encryption based on strong state-of-the-art cryptographic procedures. This prevents unauthorised persons and snoopers from gaining access. - E-mail dispatch - Automated dispatch of documents by e-mail. 
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