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digiSeal office (pro)

Key Facts

  • Legally binding & traceable electronic signature
  • Can be used with signature cards or remote signature
  • Data sovereignty: your documents do not end up in a cloud

Product Description

  The complete signature software for the individual workstation Highlights - Protect documents with e-signature and e-seal - Compliant with EU Regulation eIDAS-VO and German Trust Services Act (VDG) - Legally binding electronic business transactions - Legally binding electronic file - Simple and convenient handling - Data sovereignty: your sensitive documents are not transferred to a cloud Secure, legally binding, convenient signing, e.g. - Document approval/clearance processes - Contracts, business correspondence - Building and construction drawings - Doctor's letters, findings, patient records - Prescriptions and production records - Statements of claim, applications for reminders, notifications - Quality documents, waste records - Invoices (according to EU directive and VAT law) - VE test certificates (Packaging Ordinance) - For e-tendering and online tenders - Polish register procedure (XAdES signature)  With the electronic signature and the e-seal, business processes are securely handled digitally. Data is prevented from being changed unnoticed (integrity) and the originator is securely proven (authenticity). The "Regulation on Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions in the Internal Market" (eIDAS Regulation) has ensured uniform legal and technical standards throughout the EU since 2016. Signing documents with digiSeal®office (pro) The digiSeal®office software provides any data with an e-signature or e-seal. digiSeal®office pro also enables the processing of 25, 100, 250 or 500 files in a batch with only one PIN entry (note: a batch-signature-capable signature card must be used). PDFs with individual "visible" signature The electronic signature can be represented by an individual signature stamp (graphic signet) in the PDF document - e.g. as a scanned signature, coat of arms or logo. 
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