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digiSeal archive

Key Facts

  • Preservation of the evidentiary value of digital documents in the e-archive
  • Use of official time stamps
  • Fast processing of large volumes of documents

Product Description

  Highlights - eIDAS ready - Legally compliant long-term preservation of the evidentiary value of electronically signed documents - Proof of changes to electronically archived documents - Basis: ArchiSig & international LTANS/ERS standard - Fast processing of large document volumes through efficient hash tree procedure Electronic signatures are created on the basis of cryptographic algorithms that have a certain strength or security. With technical progress, this strength decreases, e.g. with faster computers. In order to ensure the long-term preservation of evidence for certain data and documents (e.g. files in the social security system, patient files in health care institutions), digital signatures must be renewed regularly using current, 'suitable' algorithms. This process is generally referred to as 'over-signing' or 're-signing'. Permanent preservation of evidentiary value based on international standards The digiSeal®archive software solution from secrypt re-signs existing electronically signed data in a timely, secure and efficient manner on the basis of the ArchiSig concept. In doing so, it uses the international LTANS/ERS standard (Long-Term Archive and Notary Services / Evidence Record Syntax) of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and uses official time stamps that conform to the law. These are based on algorithms that the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) classifies as suitable and secure.  In this way, digiSeal®archive enables permanent preservation of evidentiary value and protection against manipulation of digital data in combination with archive and document management systems (DMS). 
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