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SEC Consult Deutschland Unternehmensberatung GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 8 - Booth Number 8-208

SEC Consult Deutschland Unternehmensberatung GmbH

One of the leading consultancies in cyber & application security.

About us








We offer

  • Penetration tests
  • Consulting IT security


  • Critical Infrastractures
Ullsteinstraße 130 Turm B /
12109 Berlin

About us

SEC Consult is one of the leading cyber and application security consultancies and a specialist in external and internal security audits in various areas, such as penetration testing, development of information security management and certification processes, secure software (development) and cyber defence. SEC Consult operates offices in Europe and Asia.

SEC Consult's portfolio is based on the holistic approach of the Resilience Framework. Customers are therefore prepared in the best possible way for potential cyber attacks and can also rely on the company's experts in the event of an emergency. In the event of an incident, the attackers are identified as quickly as possible and defensive measures are initiated immediately.

SEC Consult is one of the few security consulting companies that is certified according to both ISO 27001 and CREST and thus meets the highest requirements in handling confidential information and conducting professional penetration tests. Clients include government agencies, international organisations and leading companies from various private sector industries, as well as critical infrastructures.

With the Vulnerability Lab, SEC Consult operates its own internal security research laboratory in order to constantly stay on top of the latest knowledge and gain a know-how edge over cyber criminals or state-sponsored attackers.

SEC Consult is part of Eviden, an Atos business.

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Cloud Security | DDoS | CyberSecurity Consulting | Mobile Security | Red Teaming | Incident Response


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