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sayTRUST VPSC - ZeroTrust Client Access

Logo sayTEC AG

by sayTEC AG




Institutes / initiatives APT protection Log management High availability Anti-eavesdropping solutions Endpoint security Email security Content security Cloud (computing) security Big data Security Bandwidth management Anti-spam solutions Data center security Web application security VoIP security Storage solutions Server-based computing Interface protection / Device management Physical IT-security Network security Hardware security Application security Asset management / IT documentation Counter-intelligence Anti-virus and malware protection Backup solutions Publications Authorities / associations Public key infrastructure Planning of data centers and IT infrastructures BSI IT baseline protection ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799) Consulting IT security Virtualization Remote access (VPN) Network access control (NAC) Identity and access management Electronic signatures Biometrics User (rights) management Admission control Access protection Single sign-on Authentication Data protection, data security Data recovery Firewalls Denial of service protection Computer emergency response team (CERT)

Key Facts

  • Zero Trust
  • Defense in depth
  • Virtual Protectet Secure Communication

Product Description

sayTRUST VPSC (Virtual Protected Secure Communication) is a groundbreaking new technology for encrypted internal and external access to corporate networks. sayTRUST VPSC enables highly secure communication and data exchange without backdoors and without any possibility of manipulation by unauthorized persons.

It provides a highly secure working environment - in the home office or mobile. sayTRUST VPSC offers the highest level of communication security by detecting and eliminating the weak points between the user and the network to be protected.

Users can use the 8-stage “Defense in Depth” technology to work securely within their own network as well as from external locations, in the home office or in mobile hotspots.

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