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Relution GmbH of the it-sa 365

Relution GmbH

Relution MDM — Security made in D & EU (Teletrust)

About us




We offer

  • Endpoint security
  • Mobile device managment
  • Mobile security
  • Data protection, data security
  • Remote access (VPN)

About us

Relution GmbH is a German software company with headquarters, development, support and expertise in Stuttgart. The standard software of the same name covers the areas of Mobile Device Management (MDM) and Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). For over 10 years, Relution has been the solution for data protection-compliant and cross-platform device management in the corporate, public administration, healthcare and education sectors.

Relution is 100% self-financed, value-oriented, digitally thinking and humanly acting.

Relution is one of the most relevant IT solutions in the field of device and app management. Smartphones, tablets, computers and interactive whiteboards with the operating systems iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, Android Enterprise, Android Legacy, Windows 10/11 and ChromeOS can be configured and controlled centrally via the software. Thanks to the on-premises solution, Relution can be easily integrated into your own IT infrastructure.

In addition to the necessary functional and technical requirements, the German software also fulfills all legal aspects to ensure data protection-compliant device management.

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Zero-touch | Android enterprise | Samsung knox | Android | Device Admin | KME | remote maintenance | block | wipe | delete | data protection | GDPR | On-Premise | OP | Shared Cloud | SC | dedicated Cloud | DC | MDM | UEM | MAM | VPN | Windows 10 | Windows 11 | COBO | COSU | COPE | BYOD | Shared device | App-Store | apple | iphone | ipad | imac | DEP | Apple business manager


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