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QuintessenceLabs of the it-sa 365


We are the Global leader in Quantum Cybersecurity

About us








We offer

  • Anti-eavesdropping solutions
  • Backup solutions
  • Compliance / GRC (products and services)
  • Electronic signatures
  • Authorities / associations
Unit 11, 18 Brindabella Circuit
2609 Canberra Airport

About us

QuintessenceLabs is at the Forefront of Quantum Cybersecurity

  • Our capabilities extend from quantum-enabled key generation, crypto-agile key and policy management through to quantum key distribution, helping you build a quantum-resilient future for your organization.

What Sets Us Apart?

  • QuintessenceLabs’ portfolio of modular security products addresses the most difficult security challenges facing organizations, helping implement robust security strategies to protect data today and in the future.
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Key Management System (KMS) | Quantum Cybersecurity | Crypto Agility | Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) | Quantum Resilience | Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)


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