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Security awareness

Key Facts

  • We train your employees using realistic examples
  • In doing so, they learn about current dangers
  • The training is accompanied by tests and gamification

Product Description

Untrained employees are the No. 1 risk for attacks on IT and many traditional training methods are no longer useful. You have to make sure that the knowledge reaches your employees. We therefore carry out live training courses at your premises and, with a mixture of experience and humor, ensure that your employees understand the seriousness of the topics with fun and many case studies. Our training covers all topics from data protection and browser security to dealing with hotspots and social engineering. We check the successful knowledge transfer of each employee on the basis of knowledge queries and document the participation of each individual. Our events are permanently adapted to new legal and technical circumstances and provided with all information on current threats so that your employees can recognize them. We recommend running live events every 6 months. Every employee has the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and receive professional training in a timely manner - and does not represent a risk for your IT for months. Alternatively or in addition, we use our web-based online training platform for many customers, where employees can easily and playfully continue their education from anywhere at any time with the training content. This is particularly recommended for field staff or remote branches. Our eLearning solution is available in the following languages: German, English, Spanish, Dutch, French, Italian.
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