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IT security audit

Key Facts

  • IT security audit perfected for medium-sized companies
  • Clear summary for the management
  • Identify real security flaws in your IT

Product Description

 We have used our many years of experience from IT audits and summarized the BSI's basic protection catalogues in almost 200 questions. The essence was preserved. Our audit includes all topics that are relevant for IT security in medium-sized companies: Data protection, antivirus, employee awareness, data backup, firewall, servers, endpoint security, switches, patch management, monitoring, IT security management, etc. We have also subjected the existing standard audit procedures to a pragmatic revolution in terms of approach, thus creating a functional solution for SMEs. Instead of first inventorying every PC, every software and license, every line and every network device, then carrying out a protection needs analysis and risk analysis over days and weeks, only to always recommend the same measures in the third step, we pull it all up from the back: On the basis of our questionnaire, we examine the implementation of recommended measures – suitable for MEDIUM-sized companies and practice-oriented. As a result, you will not only receive a defect report from us. Our report also contains a clear summary for the management, graphically prepared and compressed with percentage results to the most important things. For each defect listed, we explain why it poses a risk and through which measures you can best counter it.
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