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IT emergency management

Key Facts

  • Whether it's a power outage, virus attack or data loss
  • If an emergency occurs, there is no time
  • We create emergency plans that provide all the information

Product Description

What is an emergency? Which accesses do you need in which case? What is still or no longer available when the emergency occurs? Which people must be reachable and how? These are just a few questions that need to be answered when it comes to creating emergency manuals. We know which questions to ask and document the answers specifically for your company. There are four emergency scenarios that you should definitely consider: power failure, virus attack, data loss and data breach. In addition to these, we would be happy to work with you to develop further emergency scenarios that make sense for your company and create the emergency manuals for you. You don't want to wait until an emergency to find out what an emergency manual is worth.
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