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ISMS for SME or according to ISO 27001, TISAX, VDS1000, CISIS12

Key Facts

  • We assume the role of IT security officer
  • We implement an ISMS
  • We ensure an increasing level of IT security

Product Description

We assume the role of IT security officer (ITSB) for your company and take care of all tasks that are covered by this according to ISO27001 and BSI basic protection. Also, we support you in carrying out the tasks that need you to get done. The tasks include the regular auditing of your infrastructure and analysis of your business processes, semi-annual employee awareness training, the creation and maintenance of guidelines, guidelines and policies, the creation and maintenance of emergency plans, informing about news in the respective areas, appointments at your site, supporting your IT department in processing IT security incidents and, of course, being available as your contact person for IT security matters.
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