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ProLion GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-112

ProLion GmbH

ProLion offers powerful data protection solutions that safeguard critical storage and backup data, on premises or in the cloud.

About us


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We offer

  • Storage solutions


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

Protection for critical storage data

At ProLion we develop powerful data protection solutions that safeguard critical storage and backup data, on premises or in the cloud. From ransomware protection that detects threats in real time to data transparency.

Our industry-leading technology has helped 650+ companies across the globe keep their storage secure and accessible.

Our solutions in detail:

CryptoSpike for file service on ONTAP and PowerScale :

  • Protection against ransomware, data manipulation, and insider threats
  • Two-pillar concept: analyzer, blocklist
  • Anomaly detection and automatic blocking in real time
  • Auditing of the file system
  • Transparency & traceability of all file accesses
  • Single-file recovery from Snapshots
  • Data security through 4-eye authentication
  • File activity monitoring via API

RestoreManager for file service on ONTAP :

  • Central index for all NetApp Snapshots
  • Supports Primary, Secondary & SnapMirror Cloud
  • Criteria-based search for folders, files, date, etc.
  • Single-file restore from Snapshots
  • Direct restore from an S3 archive
  • Integration via SnapDiff API
  • Licensing independent of data volume & user (Primary only)

ClusterLion for ONTAP MetroCluster :

  • Permanent monitoring of all cluster services
  • Automatic switchover without user intervention
  • No third location required (ProLion Quorum)
  • Infrastructure independent (cellular connection and battery buffer)
  • Physical separation of power supply avoids split-brain scenario
  • For all MetroClusters (MCC-IP, FMC, SMC)
  • Application integration available
  • Simple installation & operation
  ... read more

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Compliance Reporting | Data Access Transparency | Insider Threats | Monitoring | Ransomware Protection | High Availability


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