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Software New







Threat analysis APT protection Security management Risk analysis and management

Key Facts

  • Risk management platform based on intelligence right from the adversarial infrastructures.
  • Providing a holistic overview of risk scores of global businesses and unveiling weaknesses and vulnerabilities on their supply chains.
  • Ability to prevent next-generation software and physical supply chain attacks and prevent significant financial and reputational losses with relevant, actionable intelligence.

Product Description

BLINDSPOT is a next-generation risk intelligence platform that has been created with the goal of providing the user with a holistic assessment of any organization’s cyber risk level. With the growing need to oversee the interconnected systems between organizations and their suppliers, vendors, and third and fourth parties, BLINDSPOT was developed to equip our clients with a proactive upper hand. By monitoring contemporary incidents and predicting subsequent adversarial activities, our platform prevents software and physical supply-chain attacks and detrimental breaches worldwide.

Unlike other cyber risk quantification platforms doing port scanning, technology tracking, or deriving information from basic compliance checks, BLINDSPOT gives our clients the ability to see actual infections in real time. The risk values are therefore based on facts - not mere assumptions. Along with BLINDSPOT’s unmatched coverage of cyber incidents acquired right from the source, our clients can get instant visibility into an international supply chain and into the intricate connectivity of all organizations globally. Effortless and concise, BLINDSPOT encompasses all the relevant insights they need for a timely response to adversarial plotting.

No blind spots, just game-changing insights.

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