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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-223

Access Gateway


Identity and access management

Key Facts

  • Easy Access
  • Security
  • Mobile Apps

Product Description

The Pointsharp Access Gateway allows your users toaccess on-premises applications in an easyand secure way that meets the requirementsof a digital workplace.With Pointsharp Gateway your users don’tneed to know if you applications are locatedon-premises or in the cloud, they login onceand access all applications.

Pointsharp Gateway enable an easy andsecure way to publish on-premises applications.Your users can access both cloud andon-premises applications with one login with e.g. the Pointsharp App Portal.

Pointsharp Gateway protect the access toapplications in your infrastructure withreverse proxy technology. The access isprotected by user authentication, handled byPointsharp ID Server, and advanced policies.The authentication of the user can bebased on all authentication options includedin Pointsharp ID Server like the PointsharpLogin App.

With Pointsharp Gateway you can allowmobile apps to access on-premises applicationsprotected by access policies and smartauthentication with Single-Sign On.Including special protection for mobile emailand Exchange ActiveSync as well asMicrosoft Outlook.

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