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Professional WLAN Planning, Measurement and Simulation

Product Expert



Network security

Key Facts

  • Channel planning The WLAN frequency range is divided into channels. Many access points in close proximity to each other compete for these channels. Thus, more access points do not improve availability, but exacerbate this behavior.
  • Signal strength/bandwidth In order to reliably connect end devices, a certain signal strength and bandwidth must be guaranteed throughout the entire area. This requirement cannot be ensured through trial and error either.
  • Secondary coverage In order to achieve complete WiFi coverage, an overlap must be ensured that goes beyond just covering the area and WiFi availability must not depend on the availability of a single access point.

Product Description


In order to ensure optimal Wi-Fi coverage - mostly inside a building, but also outside - professional measurement is essential.

In buildings or open spaces that are yet to be constructed, illumination based on a simulation of signal propagation is also advisable.

Schools, shopping centers, event locations such as exhibition halls, stadiums, etc. - regardless of whether it is just one floor or an entire building complex - require a reliable WLAN supply, for which we lay the foundation with our WLAN illumination and you also implement it accompany competently.

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