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Hall 8 / Booth Number 8-216

Cybersecurity for ERP Systems

Product Expert





Consulting IT security Data protection, data security Data leakage / loss prevention Business continuity Threat analysis Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Content security Interface protection / Device management Hardware security Application security

Key Facts

  • Automated Processes: By automating manual inspection routines, the Pathlock Suite frees up resources for your security teams to focus on core tasks. Some customers have achieved a return on investment within a few months.
  • Seamless Integration: You can easily integrate our Pathlock Suite into your existing security processes such as SIEM, SOAR, MDR/XDR and business intelligence solutions. This makes all anomalies, including those from your SAP systems, visible to your security operations team.
  • Years of expertise: Our security experts implement the Pathlock Suite in a way that is optimally tailored to your IT security requirements. We support you in implementing your company-specific policies as well as legal security requirements.

Product Description

The increasing professionalism of cyber attacks is no longer a surprise to anyone. While many organizations are finally facing clear cyber defense requirements with NIS-2, new technologies such as cloud applications and AI are already creating additional hurdles. So, it's time to take your security to the next level.

With the Pathlock Suite, you will be able to monitor both SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA systems continuously and at all levels. It allows you to check vulnerabilities and ABAP code, secure transports, prevent unauthorized user access, and respond to threats in real time.

Of particular note is our latest innovation “Threat Intelligence”, which combines proven solutions with automated processes and customized responses tailored to each risk situation.

Continuous risk monitoring and rapid response to potential threats:

  • Vulnerability Management
  • Threat Detection and Response
  • Transport Controls
  • Code Scanning
  • Data Masking
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Product Expert

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