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OTORIO spOT - On-demand OT cyber risk assessment






Compliance / GRC (products and services) Business continuity Threat analysis Security management Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Intrusion detection / prevention Cyber-physical systems security Network security

Key Facts

  • Delivers faster, superior-quality OT cyber risk and compliance assessments with detailed reports and mitigation guidance.
  • Save up to 75% of overall assessment time & resources with automated data collection, execution, and reporting.
  • Provides detailed asset inventory reports down to level 0 with contextualized evidence-based security posture assessment.

Product Description

OTORIO’s spOT enables OT security practitioners to efficiently deliver high-quality, consistent, and standardized security and compliance assessments of operational environments at scale. spOT expedites the assessment processes by automatically collecting data from a variety of sources in the network, generating a consolidated asset inventory, identifying vulnerabilities, and analyzing the operational security posture. It shortens time to value and reduces required resources by up to 75%.

It enables the audit of an asset, site, or even an entire organization’s securityposture across multiple sites. spOTTMAssessment is easy to set up and execute, either on-site or remotely. It automatically builds an enriched OT-IT-IIoT asset inventory and analyzes it. Once gaps in security posture are identified, risks are prioritized by their business impact according to their effect upon processes and other components. spOT Assessment delivers clear, practical recommendations for step-by-step mitigation of each identified vulnerability, security gap, exposure, and compliance deviation, all detailed in the spOTTM Assessment security report.

The ROI for spOTTM Assessment increases over time. By reassessing the same environment, spOTTM provides historical comparisons, risk trends, and the ability to provide ongoing alerting as a service.

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