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OTORIO remOT - Secured Remote OT Access Solution






Remote access (VPN) Access protection Single sign-on Compliance / GRC (products and services) Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Intrusion detection / prevention High availability Cyber-physical systems security Network security

Key Facts

  • A secure-by-design remote access governance solution providing a safe, single point of entry for your production environment.
  • Zero trust remote access architecture provides secure access for internal and third-party users across the OT environment.
  • Gain complete visibility and control of every activity originating from a remote connection, who is doing what, when, and why.

Product Description

OTORIO’s remOT delivers secure by design, simple, and fully governed remote access to the operational environment. As a clientless solution with no agents, no VPN, and no Jump Server, remOT simplifies connectivity to assets for third-party vendors, service providers, and internal users, without compromising on safety. It scales seamlessly to the needs of your organization while maintaining OT network segmentation between sites, with a low total cost of ownership (TCO). With remOT, access is governed and controlled using separated, multitenant cloud account management. Access is given only to authorized employees, and authorized third-parties to specific assets, according to the needs of industrial networks. remOT delivers full visibility of any secure, remote connection.
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