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OTORIO RAM² - Continuous OT cyber risk management






Compliance / GRC (products and services) Business continuity Threat analysis Security management Vulnerability and patch management Risk analysis and management Intrusion detection / prevention High availability Cyber-physical systems security Network security

Key Facts

  • Centralized and comprehensive visibility of your entire operational environment.
  • Experts in NIS2 security compliance & OT security governance
  • Continuous security posture monitoring and assessment to safeguard business continuity

Product Description

OTORIO’s RAM² is an OT security solution to proactively manage digital risks and build resilient operations. RAM² provides continuous, proactive risk identification, reduction, and compliance assessment for an individual asset, production line, and an entire operational site. With RAM², IT and OT teams are truly connected and streamlined for security collaboration. OT security leaders and asset owners get a proven, efficient, and effective solution. RAM² collects, orchestrates, and analyzes data from a variety of security and industrial sources present in the OT environment. This includes IDS, Firewall, EDR, PLC, DCS, SCADA, Historians, Engineering systems, and more. The platform enriches asset attribution with operational context, vulnerabilities, and exposures. It provides a comprehensive assessment of security posture controls and compliance to show only legitimate, prioritized, and relevant asset alerts that need to be addressed. RAM²’s correlated insights prioritize risks based on the business impact of cyber-physical systems (CPS), providing practical and feasible mitigation playbooks tailored for an organization’s OT environment. The RAM² OT security management platform significantly reduces the amount of noise generated by existing security solutions. It also bridges skill gaps to help security and operational teams improve the mean time to detect (MTTD) and resolve (MTTR) risks.
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