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Red Teaming

Product Description

Red Teaming - The Stress Test for Your Cybersecurity With red teaming from Oneconsult, you determine which question should be answered: Can I be hacked (red teaming) or will my team react correctly (blue teaming)? Or should the focus be on the interaction of attack and defense (e.g. CSIRT/SOC) together with our ethical hackers (purple teaming)? In each case, you will receive a detailed final report tailored to the target group. The report explains the vulnerabilities exploited for the attack, including a risk assessment, and makes contextually appropriate proposals for measures to be taken. We provide consultation independent of any particular solution and assist you during implementation if desired, thus ensuring that your company is as well guarded as possible against intrusions via digital means. Highlights • Digital burglary attempt • Customizable attack scenarios (e.g. APT groups) • Individual scope including red teaming, blue teaming, and purple teaming • Comprehensive testing of technical and/or organizational IT security measures • Use of techniques from the MITRE ATT&CK® framework • Documentation tailored to the target group, including effective proposals for action
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