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Penetration Testing

Product Description

Penetration Testing - Comprehensive Security Testing of Your Assets Every company has a unique IT infrastructure and needs a security audit specifically designed for it. Oneconsult has tested just about everything that is networked. Our penetration testers are proficient in the latest hacking methods, which are also used by cyber criminals. After the penetration test, you will receive a comprehensive final report in which the detected vulnerabilities, including a risk assessment and tailor-made proposals for measures to be taken, are listed according to the target group, so that you can optimally protect your systems against hacker attacks and thus ensure and increase your cyber resilience. Highlights • Systematic identification of technical weaknesses • Safety tests of any networked components and systems • Test from outsider and/or insider perspective (with or without valid access data) • White, gray, or black box approach, where you provide us with all the necessary to (almost) no information about the object of investigation • Tests from the Internet or on the internal network • Renowned test methods • Development of additional protective measures • Documentation tailored to the target group, including proposed measures to be taken
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