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Incident Response

Product Description

Incident Response - Your Cybersecurity Contingency Plan Our experienced specialists (CSIRT) provide you with professional support in the event of ransomware and other hacker attacks. On request, we will coordinate all involved parties and assist teams in this challenging situation, regardless of whether an IT team, crisis team, management team, or the board of directors. In terms of prevention, we will test the effective and timely response of your security team using use cases and exercise scenarios for different target groups (e.g. IT department, IT security team, or CSIRT) and train your employees in dealing with cybersecurity incidents. Highlights • Experienced first responder team • Certified DFIR experts • Customized SLAs (including 24/7/365 agreements) • Response and prevention • Practical solutions • Proven methods • Short reaction time • Discretion guaranteed • Communication at the appropriate level • Reliable partner of companies and authorities
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