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Cyber Security Academy

Product Description

Security Academy - Learn from The Cybersecurity Pros The Oneconsult Security Academy is your cybersecurity hub for security novices and professionals. Our trainers not only train you, but also our own employees (including apprentices), and also teach at universities. We impart specialist knowledge for people and organizations that makes the world and themselves as a company more secure – cutting-edge, practical, and oriented to the target group. Would you like to promote the security awareness of your employees and see how a cyberattack works in live hacking demos, and find out how you can defend yourself against it? Would you like to obtain difficult certifications, develop secure software, or be systematically and efficiently trained as an ethical hacker? Whether a regular course, workshop, individual coaching/mentoring, or customized training program, with us you learn from the pros. Highlights • Cutting-edge • Practical • Tailored to specific target groups • Highly qualified trainers who also teach at universities • Suitable for security novices and professionals • Tailored to your individual needs • Suitable for individuals and organizations • Top ratings
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